Established 2020
Make You Movement is Lindsay Ell’s charitable Fund that supports a variety of causes and organizations, with special focus on disenfranchised youth and survivors of sexual trauma and domestic abuse.
A Message from Lindsay
Three years ago I sat down with some girls who were victims of rape and sex trafficking. We bonded after sharing our stories together in a way that you could only really feel in that room that day.
That day, I decided that I want to be a place of comfort and empathy for younger girls and boys who have experienced sexual abuse or trauma in their childhoods. I want to be able to talk to disenfranchised youth and help them become more aware of themselves so that they can avoid putting themselves or their friends in situations that would lead to these types of abuse. I want to be able to speak to adults who have been through something similar to my story, to let them know that it is not our past that defines our future, but it is what we decide to do with it that does.
Difficult times in our life don’t make us who we are, but how we learn and act from them does.
When we stand up for what we believe in and use our voices in the power of love and forgiveness to others, I truly believe we have the power to heal each other and heal the world.

Make A Donation
Your tax-deductible gift will be reflected on your credit card statement as The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
To donate by check, make it out to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee and note Make You Movement Fund in the memo line.
Mail your donation to:
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
P.O. Box 440225
Nashville, TN 37244