
Mapco “My Helping Hands” Employee Care Fund

Established 2017

The Mapco “My Helping Hands” Fund is designed to provide short-term, emergency support to qualified employees who are experiencing certain unforeseen and unpreventable circumstances. The Fund also allows company employees the opportunity to participate in this effort by contributing to the Fund in support of fellow employees who may experience such a hardship.

The program can help employees that have experienced one of the following in the past 60 days:

Damage to home or essential belongings, damage or loss caused by weather of any kind, a fire in the home, or damage to your primary vehicle caused by a wreck or weather

Serious Illness or Injury to an employee or a member of their household that causes an unexpected financial burden. Any type of illness or injury that causes a wage-earner to have significant unpaid time off work, or needed medical treatment with high costs not covered by insurance

Death of someone in the household or of a relative for whom the employee is financially responsible. The loss of income, cost of burial or funeral expenses, or resulting medical bills prevents the employee from affording basic living expenses

Crime committed against the employee or a member of the household that causes financial issues or threatens safety. This includes, but is not limited to, robbery, arson, assault, domestic abuse, nonpayment of court-ordered child support, or extreme vandalism

NOT COVERED: lawful wage garnishment, bankruptcy, child support you are required to pay, routine car repair or car failure, typical job layoffs, reduced work hours, divorce or separation, roommate vacancy, high utility bills, taxes, or accumulated personal debt

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.

Coretta Scott King
Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Logo

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