Established 2023
This scholarship fund is a part of the CFMT General Scholarship Application that is open annually from December 1st to February 1st.
Eligibility: This is a renewable scholarship fund for students who reside in Williamson County, Tennessee. This scholarship can be awarded to any age student if they have a high school degree or GED. Eligible recipients will be students enrolling in a trade program, associate degree program or certificate. Recipients must demonstrate a true desire to be successful and discuss the importance of being able to be a team player whether that be through sport, a class project, an extracurricular activity, etc.

History: George & Joyce were raised in Maine, and both come from blue collar backgrounds. The Fourniers married in high school and through determination and hard work achieved higher education, which led to good paying jobs and all that comes with it. They chose to settle in Tennessee in 1987 after living in states on both coasts and the middle of the country. George wanted to have his own company and Joyce wanted to live in Tennessee. In 1989, they purchased the assets of a bankrupt industrial distribution company and worked together for over thirty years. In that time, they grew the business from one location with four employees to five locations in three states with forty-four employees. The decision to retire was made at the end of 2020 and they turned the company over to two of their children. At this point in life, the Fourniers were in a financial position to help others succeed.
With this scholarship George & Joyce are looking to fund the costs required to learn a trade. The Maine Chance Scholarship was established in 2023 for two reasons, the main reason being the donors’ belief that not everyone is meant to go on to a four-year university after high school. The other reason is the donors’ frustration in finding tradespeople when they needed someone to work at either their Tennessee home or their home on the beach in Maine. George is a jack of all trades and a master of most; however, as age has set in it has become apparent to us that hired help is necessary but hard to find. As an example, the recipient might be required to purchase tools in order to start their training, certification or program. Frequently these added costs above tuition can be quite high and can prevent someone from enrolling somewhere. This is where the Maine Chance scholarship would step in to assist. The scholarship is not limited to a recent high school graduate but could be someone who chooses a different path when in their 30’s, 40’s, or wherever they are in life.